“First Call for Children” in South Africa
Cape Town, 12th – 18th August 2012
In August 2012, I had the chance to give a NVC-training to the leaders of the Amandla football-project for children in Khayelitsha, one of the biggest townships in Cape Town.
On a football field with artificial ground and light, 2500 boys and girls per week get educated by senior and junior leaders in playing football. Through playing in a team and being in a safe environment, they can improve their social behavior, and learn how to play “fairly”. These children often do not have any role model to follow, and their loss of parents forced them to live with distant family members. Even though they are still in young age, many of the kids are victims of sexual abuse. Further information can be found on www.edufootball.org.
One of the main organizers of this project asked me to give a NVC training in this township. The first meeting was cancelled due to some near by riots, with cars and a truck on fire. I started the training together with Joe from Uganda one day later. In the morning we worked with the senior leaders (19-40 years) and in the afternoon with the juniors (15-19 years).
I was very impressed by the eagerness of the participants to learn about the method and attitude of NVC. They asked for literature, blogs, and they have plans to continue in a group.
I have invited three of them to my workshop in Ruhpolding “First call for children —networking” in October 2012.
Some of them asked if I could continue in Cape Town next January.
Also my activities in Cape Town will continue with another NVC-training in January 2013.
In this cooperation with the people of the township, I realized again the power of NVC. Besides giving them food and cloths which I interpret more as a charity, they can develop self-esteem, self-confidence and the awareness of having a choice. I am very happy when I think about the impact of these workshops all over.