Tony Salas, Philippines


You will see Tony mostly laughing and always ready to try out new things. Routine bores him. As a priest with his own parish his daily life is about people and what moves them inwardly.

Tony on NVC: “People come to find advice, they ask for help or mediation in case of conflicts.
For me NVC is the best and most helpful technique in mediation I have met so far. I have worked for years with sexually abused women and children, and NVC has turned out to be very liberating and leading to inner peace for those who are traumatised. The most beautiful effect is that it has also helped me personally. Many experiences in our lives lie buried within us, fermenting for years. Through NVC I can now look at them without judgement, but with self-empathy, I can analyse them and freely express the feelings and needs involved. This has given me a lot of reassurance and positively changed my way of work.”

Profession: PhD in Organisation Development. Catholic Missionary Priest of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), Parish priest, CNVC Certification Candidate